
Carbon Footprint Fitness Check

If you are just starting out on your carbon reporting journey, the first step is a fitness check to determine how ready your business is to undertake carbon reporting.

We will work with you to identify what information you have readily available and what data you may need to collect before we start working on the carbon report.

Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Unsplash

Carbon Footprint Snapshot

When you start a journey, you need to know where you are starting from. This carbon footprint snapshot shows you your starting point for your carbon reporting.

We will work with you to capture your raw data, automate the data collection and prepare your first carbon emissions footprint report. The report will identify areas of low and high emissions.

Photo by Mike Erskine on Unsplash

Green Champion Service

During the course of preparing your carbon footprint snapshot, we will identify areas where with minor changes in the data entry, your business can improve the accuracy of the data and reduce the time for collection.

We will work with you and your team to identify your Green Champions who will lead the team to implement these changes.

Photo by Luca J on Unsplash

Eco-Friendly Service

Part of the carbon emissions reduction journey is to find ways to innovate within your business to reduce the carbon footprint.

From the Carbon Footprint Snapshot, we will identify the areas where the business has the highest emissions and will discuss with you how you may be able to reduce those emissions.

Photo by Brian Garrity on Unsplash

Emission Buster Service

We will work with you to prepare business cases when you have identired areas to reduce emissions.

These business cases can be used to discuss with your external accountants to check how the changes may impact profit and cashflow, or put to the Board of Directors for approval.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Emission Eliminator Route Map

Whilst the ultimate goal is to work toward Net Zero, there may be shorter term goals which need to be addressed., including supply chain contract requirements.

We will work with you to develop a route map, set short term goals and milestones to help you reduce emissions in a sustainable way.

Photo by Danial Gonzalez on Unsplash

Our CARBON Methodology

C - Capture data

A - Automate collection

R - Report emissions

B - Brainstorm changes

O - Optimise priorities

N - Neutralise footprint

Revolutionize your carbon footprint!